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Dr Leon Foo graduated from the National University of Singapore in 1999 and obtained his post-graduate degrees, namely Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2004, Master of Medicine in Orthopaedic Surgery in 2004 and Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in Orthopaedic Surgery in 2008.

In 2008 Dr Foo was awarded the Singapore Government Ministry of Health Training Scholarship to pursue his fellowship training in the dual sub-specialities of Orthopaedic Oncology, Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Reconstruction at Muenster University Hospital in Germany. This was followed by a further clinical attachment at the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota) in the United States of America.

Dr Foo is one of a handful of fellowship-trained Orthopaedic Oncologists in Singapore. As the surgical member in the multi-disciplinary oncology team looking after tumour patients, Dr Foo’s contribution lies with his expertise and experience in tumour tissue removal, as well as the subsequent reconstructive surgery. This includes limb preserving surgery for both bone and soft tissue tumours and reconstruction using autografts, allografts and/or endoprosthetic implants. His guiding philosophy with bone and soft tissue tumour treatment is not only of curative tumour removal but also of appropriate functional reconstructive procedures that allow patients to return to as full and as active a life as possible post-operatively.

Orthopaedic Oncology aside, Dr Foo is also fellowship-trained in Cartilage Regeneration and Joint Reconstruction surgeries. His clinical expertise is often called upon in the treatment of hip, knee, foot, ankle and shoulder problems arising from a variety of causes, be it degenerative (age-related), inflammatory, trauma or sports-related injuries. His surgical repertoire includes the latest technologies in cartilage resurfacing and regeneration, as well as joint replacement, including minimally invasive, arthroscopic, computer navigation, robotic and customized implants.

A three-time recipient of the “Service with a Heart Award” during his practice at the Singapore General Hospital, compassionate and holistic patient-centric care remains the most important tenet of Dr Foo’s clinical practice


Upon his return to Singapore in 2010, Dr Foo was made a Consultant with the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Singapore General Hospital. He was concurrently appointed as Visiting Consultant to the National Cancer Centre Singapore, Kandang Kerbau Women & Children’s Hospital, as well as Tan Tock Seng Hospital. 

Clinical work aside, Dr Foo was appointed as Adjunct Assistant Professor to the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, as well as Clinical Tutor with the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School. He is an Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor and is actively involved as Physician Faculty for both the Orthopaedic Surgery and Family Medicine Residency Programmes. Dr Foo continues to be regularly called upon as Teaching Faculty for both local, as well as international courses and conferences. He also remains an expert Reviewer for several PubMed indexed international medical journals including the Journal of Arthroplasty.

Medical research is a cornerstone of Dr Foo’s work. He is an avid researcher, having published several papers in international, peer reviewed orthopaedic journals. In recognition of his clinical expertise and research contribution, he has been invited and continues to be an expert Reviewer for several PubMed indexed international medical journals including the Journal of Arthroplasty, Singapore Medical Journal, and Annals of the Academy of Medicine of Singapore.

Original Articles

  1. Chung W K, David Liu, Foo S S Leon. Minimally invasive total hip replacement – surgical techniques and early results. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery (Hong Kong). 2004 June; 12(1): 19-24.
  2. Foo S S Leon, Chin PL, Yang KY, Yeo SJ, Lo NN. Mini mid-vastus approach shows similar radiographic results to standard TKA. Orthopaedics Today. 2006 June; 26(6): 10.
  3. Chin PL, Foo SS Leon, Yang KY, Yeo SJ, Lo NN. Randomized controlled trial comparing the radiological outcomes of conventional and minimally invasive techniques for total knee arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty. 2007 Sept;22(6):800-6.
  4. Foo SS Leon, Yeo W, Fook S, Guo CM, Chen J, Yue WM, Tan SB. Results, experience and technical points learnt with use of the SKy Bone Expander kyphoplasty system for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. Eur Spine J. 2007 Nov;16(11):1944-1950.
  5. Foo S S Leon, J Hardes, M Henrichs, H Ahrens, G Gosheger, A Streitburger. Surgical difficulties encountered with use of modular endoprosthesis for limb preserving salvage of failed allograft reconstruction after malignant tumor resection. J Arthroplasty. 2011 Aug;26(5):744-50.
  6. Farid M, Ong WS, Tan MH, Foo S S Leon, Lim YK, Chia WK, Sog LT, Poon D, Lee MJ, Ho ZC, Jeevan R, Chin F, Teo M, Quek R. The influence of primary site on outcomes of leiomyosarcoma: a review of clinicopathological differences between uterine and extrauterine disease. Am J Clin Oncol. 2012 July 3 [Epub ahead of print].
  7. Tan TJ, Wong SK, Foo S S Leon. A parasymphyseal pubic cartilaginous cyst masquerading as a chondrosarcoma. Clin Radiol. 2012 May;67(5): 508-10.
  8. Ang CL, Foo S S Leon, Sun S, Kesavan S. Positive ProbeTecTM tests in fresh specimens from malignant musculoskeletal tumours: a case series. Orthop Surg. 2013 Feb;5(1):29-32.
  9. Ooi A, Foo SS Leon, Tan BK, Ng SW. Massive sacral chordoma resection and reconstruction with a combination of pedicled and free flaps. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2014 Feb 19.
  10. Chan MFM, Ong KO, Foo S S Leon, Selvarajan S. Intra-articular nodular fasciitis: an unexpected diagnosis for a joint lesion. A case report. Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2014 Vol 8 No 2 
  11. Ang CL, Foo S S Leon. Multiple Locations Of Nerve Compression: An Unusual Cause Of Persistent Lower Limb Paraesthesia. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2014 Aug 14.
  12. Richard Quek, Mohamad Farid, Chan LP, Kuok CC Francis, Foo S S Leon, Lee KM Victor, Puhaindran E Mark, Soh SY, Soo KC, Tan MH, The YH Jonathan, Teo CC Melissa, Wong BS Steven, Dandawala ALS. Singapore Cancer Network (SCAN) Guidelines For The Initial Evaluation, Diagnosis And Management Of Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma And Osteosarcoma. Ann Acad Med Singapore 2015; 44:474-83.
  13. Ng ZY, Foo S S Leon, Ramachandran S, Tan BK, Ng SW. Elbow Reconstruction with Compression Plate Arthrodesis and Circumferential Muscle-Sparing Latissimus Dorsi Flap after Tumor Resection: A Case Report. Hand. 2016:1-6.
  14. Zhu M, Chen YQJ, Yew KSA, Chong HC, Foo S S Leon, Chia SL, Lo NN, Yeo SJ. Outcomes following total knee arthroplasty with CT-based patient specific instrumentation. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy.
  15. Puah KL, Chong HC, Foo S S Leon, Lo NN, Yeo SJ. Clinical and functional outcomes: primary constrained condylar knee arthroplasty versus posterior stabilized knee arthroplasty. JAAOS Glob Res Rev 2018;2:e084.

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