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New Year Health Resolutions for 2021

new year health resolutions an image of a female being happy and content healthy mindset
After the events of 2020, everyone is looking forward to a much better new year. This year has helped us understand that health isn’t something we should take for granted, and we are reminded of the importance of our health and living a better, healthier lifestyle.

Health Resolutions

  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Exercise more
  • Improve work-life balance
  • Quit smoking
  • Get better sleep

Tips to help you keep your resolutions

Take it slow

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and you should start with simple steps. It is important to dream big, but it is also important to be realistic. Many people have an ideal in mind when they make their resolutions, which can be difficult to achieve within a short period of time. Setting small achievable goals that ultimately lead to your overall goal will help keep you motivated and on-track to success.

For example, eating a healthier diet doesn’t have to mean a drastic change. If you find that you are eating too much starch and carbohydrates, you may wish to consciously reduce it to a smaller proportion of your meal and choose starches with a high glycemic index (GI).

Exercising more can start with 10 minutes of simple exercise a day, and increase it as you start to make it a habit. Pretty soon your workouts will be second nature, and you’ll be feeling strange if you DON’T exercise.

Have a plan

Set up a clear and specific health plan for yourself. If you want to increase the amount of exercise, ask your family doctor about the exercise that suits you, and then schedule time to exercise. You can consider participating in some group activities such as badminton and Tai Chi. This allows you to try new sports, as well as feel a sense of community in these groups, which can keep you motivated.

Make the most of every opportunity

Don’t use being busy as an excuse. You can find opportunities in your work environment to get moving and stretch your muscles, or even exercise during lunch time. You can use the stairs instead of the lift or remind yourself to eat more fruits and vegetables during meals, which has a subtle effect. Staying healthy doesn’t need to be a great effort.

Ask for help

Get your friends and loved ones to help keep you accountable in your health resolution. In some cases, seeking professional advice may also be effective. Quitting smoking is a challenging and complicated process. Smokers may need different smoking cessation assistance at different stages of smoking cessation. Doctors can use the help of counsellors or medications to improve your chances of quitting smoking.