Pioneer Generation Package

Without the hard work and sacrifices of our Pioneer Generation, Singapore’s rapid growth would not have been possible. Our government introduced the Pioneer Generation Package to honour and recognise the efforts of our pioneers over the years. The package consists of subsidies and benefits that aims to make healthcare affordable for our Pioneer Generation.

Who is eligible for the Pioneer Generation Package?

Singapore citizens who meet these criteria are eligible for the Pioneer Generation Package:

  • Born on or before 31 December 1949, and 
  • Became a Singapore citizen on or before 31 December 1986

To check your eligibility for the Pioneer Generation Package, you may login to your SingPass mobile app to view your eligibility status.

Check Your Eligibility Here

Benefits of Pioneer Generation Package

These are the benefits that Pioneers can enjoy:  

  • MediSave Top-UpsCareShield Life Additional Participation Incentives
  • Special MediShield Life Premium Subsidies
  • Pioneer Generation Disability Assistance Scheme
  • Outpatient Care Subsidies
Benefits of Pioneer Generation Package

Subsidies available at CHAS GP clinics for Pioneer Generation

Under Outpatient Care Subsidies, members of the Pioneer Generation can enjoy subsidies at Polyclinics, Public Specialist Outpatient Clinics (Public SOCs) and Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) clinics. All Healthway Medical GP clinics are CHAS-accredited.  

The table below shows the subsidies available at CHAS GP Clinics for Pioneer Generation.  

*Please present your Pioneer Generation card and NRIC when you visit CHAS GP clinics to enjoy your subsidies.

ConditionsSubsidies Benefit
Common IllnessesUp to $28.50 subsidy per visit
Simple Chronic Condition*Up to $90 subsidy per visit, capped at $360 per year
Complex Chronic Conditions**Up to $135 subsidy per visit, capped at $540 per year
Recommended Health Screening under Screen for LifeFree with Screen for Life invitation letter
Nationally-recommended vaccinations***Pioneers who fulfil the criteria for vaccination under the National Adult Immunisation Schedule (NAIS) are eligible for subsidies for nationally-recommended vaccinations.

*Consulting the doctor for a single chronic condition (e.g. high blood pressure). 

**Consulting the doctor for multiple chronic conditions or a single chronic condition with complication(s).

For more information about vaccinations & CHAS Subsidies

Vaccinations CHAS Subsidies
Locate Us

Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) is available at all Healthway Medical Clinics