What is a Lasting Power of Attorney in Singapore?

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document which allows a person who is at least 21 years old (“donor”) to voluntarily appoint one or more persons (“done(s)”) to make decisions and act on the donor’s behalf should he or she lose mental capacity one day. This ensures that the donor’s wishes are respected and their affairs are managed appropriately. A medical doctor or a registered psychiatrist in Singapore can issue a certificate confirming that the donor understands the implications of creating an LPA. 

Lasting Power of Attorney: Secure Your Future with Healthway Medical

Why is it important to have a Lasting Power of Attorney?   
Creating an LPA protects your future interests and well-being in the event you become unable to make decisions due to a loss of mental capacity. By appointing someone you trust, you maintain control over who makes decisions for you. Having an LPA also alleviates the burden from your family and loved ones, sparing them the need to make these decisions later. 

How can I make a Lasting Power of Attorney?   
To create a Lasting Power of Attorney, you must be at least 21 years old and have the mental capacity to make decisions. If your LPA involves property and financial matters, you must not be an undischarged bankrupt. For more details on the LPA application process, Click here to find out more about how to apply for LPA. 

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) Fees

How much does it cost to make a Lasting Power of Attorney at Healthway Medical?   
The cost to do an LPA ranges from $56 to $75 (inclusive of GST). 

OPG has extended the LPA Form 1 application fee waiver for Singapore Citizens to 31 March 2026, to encourage more Singaporeans to plan ahead and apply for an LPA. Please note, once your application is submitted to OPG, no refund will be issued, regardless of the application outcome. 


LPA Form 1 FeeLPA Form 2 Fee
Singapore Citizens$0 (Until 31 Mar 2025)$185
Singapore Permanent Residents$90$230

Cancellation fee of registration of an LPA will be $28

Payment can be made on OPG Online (OPGO): https://opg-eservice.msf.gov.sg 

Healthway Medical offers a panel of doctors who are Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) Certificate Issuers at selected Healthway Medical GP clinics.

List of Healthway Medical GP clinics that provides LPA:

Secure Your Future

Make sure your wishes are respected. Schedule a consultation for your Lasting Power of Attorney now.