Discover the benefits of Healthier SG with Healthway Medical—personalised care, affordable treatments, and islandwide convenience at over 65 clinics.
Singapore’s new healthcare reform plan, Healthier SG, aims to empower individuals to take charge of their health through preventive care, where they can enrol with a family doctor who will support them in their healthcare needs throughout their lives.
Maintaining a long-term relationship with a family doctor enables you to remain healthy, identify health problems early, and manage them effectively.
Healthway Medical GP clinics are proud to be part of the Healthier SG initiative. Embark on your Healthier SG journey with us!
Find Our Clinics Healthier SG RegisterHow to register for Healthier SG?
Embark on your Healthier SG journey with Healthway Medical in 3 simple step!
Register via HealthHub
Drop by our clinics and our friendly staff will guide you along!

Visit your Doctor
- Book your 1st consultation at your enrolled clinic
- Discuss your medical history and conditions, and co-develop a personalised Health Plan with your doctor
Managed your Health
- Follow your personalised Health Plan
- Monitor your health goals using HealthHub
- Participate in Community Activities
- Schedule a yearly follow-up appointment with your doctor
Download Step by Step Guide
Who Is Eligible to Sign Up for Healthier SG?
With effect from 1 November 2023, if you are a Singapore citizen or permanent resident and are 40 years old and above, you can enroll through the Health Hub or walk-in to any of your preferred Healthway Medical clinics for an assisted enrollment.
Healthway Medical ClinicsWhat are the Enrolment Benefits of Healthier SG?
What can you expect from your Healthier SG journey?
Step 1 : Enrol & Book Appointment | Step 2 : Develop Personalised Health Plan | Step 3 : Proactively Manage Your Health | Step 4 : Review Your Health with Your Doctor |

Why Choose Healthway Medical?
Enjoy a range of benefits by enrolling with Healthway Medical for Healthier SG, including personalised care, subsidies, and access to over 65 clinics islandwide.
- Convenient access to more than 65 Healthway Medical GP clinics located islandwide
- Subsidised rates for healthcare services such as chronic disease management
- Should you require follow-up treatments, we offer a comprehensive range of services including health screening, adult specialists and surgical care.