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96.3好FM: Dr Seng Kok Han, Consultant Psychiatrist

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia. During the interview, Dr Seng shared some symptoms that Alzheimer’s patients may show in the early, middle and late stages of the illness. Few of these include poor memory of recent events, difficulty in finding words, inability to manage finances independently, memory lapses and the loss of continence and mobility.

Dr Seng advised that early diagnosis enables patients and caregivers to have a better understanding of the condition and receive anticipatory guidance for emerging symptoms.

 Although there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, Dr Seng said it is still important to look after one’s health. Monitoring one’s blood pressure and blood sugar level on a regular basis, getting adequate sleep and eating healthily are ways of maintaining good health.

You can also listen to the programme here