Being a mother is one of the most important roles a woman can ever play. Mothers play a huge role in their children's lives, caring for them, loving them, teaching them, and so much more. The way a child develops can be largely attributed to the role that their parents and caregivers play in their lives, so what exactly is the role of a mother in a child's early childhood development?

Why is a mother’s role important in developing a child’s potential in preschool?

Children thrive when they have a secure and positive relationship with people, especially their parents. Studies have shown that early childhood is a period in which developmentally, a child is learning a lot from their surrounding and the people around them. This is the child's window of learning which will impact their growing years. Therefore, as the main presence in a child's life at this point, a mother’s relationship with her child is crucial. A mother plays multiple roles in a child’s development, as she is a teacher in every aspect of a child’s developmental growth - social emotional, physical, cognitive and independence.

What role can a mother play in early childhood education?

The synaptic networks in a child's brain are still being formed during the first five years of their lives. Children at this stage are particularly receptive to human contact.  How parents interact with their children and engage them in cognitive, social and emotional developmental activities during these years will define their future selves. A mother can be in contact with her child’s teacher to stay updated what the child learns in the classroom and help to reinforce and transfer this learning in the home setting.

What are the benefits of mother’s involvement in early children education?

A mother’s involvement helps to extend the teaching beyond the classroom. This creates a more positive learning experience for children and allows children to perform better in school. It also establishes their confidence and ability.

How does a mother’s role help in transitioning their child from preschool to kindergarten?

Transition is a time when mothers can have meaningful interactions with their children.  Explain to your child what will happen before, during and after the transition. Planning ahead, developing required skills and using transitions as conversational pieces will help reduce the overall stress of your child. Mothers are encouraged to provide extra affection such as hugs and reassuring words. Making yourself available to support your child can also give him/ her lots of assurance.

How can parents be involved in their child’s development?

  1. Be a good role model.
  2. Love your child and show them love through actions, such as hugs, spending time with them and listening to them.
  3. Be a safe haven. Children raised by parents who respond consistently will have a better social and emotional development.
  4. Talk with your child, as this helps their brain integrate. When different parts of the brain are integrated, they function harmoniously and leads to more co-operative behaviour and more empathy.
  5. Pay attention to your own well-being. Take good care of yourself physically, emotionally and mentally. Take time to strengthen your relationship with your spouse. If these areas fail, your child will suffer too.

Where can a mother seek help for children who are not achieving their fullest potential?

If a mother feels that her child is not fulfilling their potential, talk to your child’s teacher. I strongly encourage you to see a paediatrician for advice. Do not panic, as there are many specialists out there who can help your child in their learning. Meanwhile, focus on your child’s strengths. Use your child’s strengths to encourage their learning. Make sure to develop your child’s social and emotional skills by helping them cope with everyday challenges and providing them with the emotional support to boost their self-confidence. 

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