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GP Bulletin – a newsletter for GPs by Healthway Medical (2nd Edition)

“GP BULLETIN – A NEWSLETTER FOR GPs BY HEALTHWAY MEDICAL” is a newsletter that provides you a quick snapshot of the keypoints to Healthway Medical’s webinar series that you might have missed or as a refresher for those of you whom have attended!

In this 2nd edition, there will be two topics for your read:

i. MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES ARISING DURING THE COVID-19 CIRCUIT BREAKER PERIOD by Dr Thong Jiunn Yew (Consultant Psychiatrist, Nobel Psychological Wellness Centre)

ii. CONSTIPATION MANAGEMENT DURING THE COVID-19 CIRCUIT BREAKER by Dr Wang Yu Tien (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Nobel Gastroenterology Centre)

Click the link below now to access the 2nd edition of the newsletter.

GP Bulletin – Newsletter