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MoneyFM 89.3: Dr Seng Kok Han, Consultant Psychiatrist

MoneyFM 89.3 Coffee with Claressa – Alzheimer’s diesease


Dr Seng shared that Alzheimer’s disease accounts for about 60% of all dementia cases, making it the most common type of dementia. The disease usually occurs in older people, with symptoms typically appearing after the age of 60. However, it is possible for people between the ages of 30 to 60 to develop Alzheimer’s dementia early.

He said the brain cells of these patients die at a faster than normal rate, leading them to lose their ability to remember, think and reason. As the disease advances, these patients may exhibit personality andbehavioral changes. While the likelihood of having dementia increases with age, it is not a condition related to normal ageing.

Dr Seng concluded that few factors such as age, poor dietary habits, social isolation, lack of physical activity and patients with diabetes or hypertension are at risk of Alzheimer’s dementia.

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