Our Senior Consultant Gastroenterologist at Nobel Gastroenterolgy Centre, Dr Eric Wee was invited to Indonesia to deliver a talk to the public. In his lecture, he educated his audience on the signs and symptoms that shouldn't be ignored when one has a digestive problem.
Here are the salient points.
For individuals with abdominal pain due to a stomach problem, signs and symptoms that may suggest a serious condition include:
- Unintentional weight loss (which is not due to exercise or a change in diet)
- Persistent pain despite medicines
- Loss of appetite or a feeling of fullness with a small meal
- Anemia (low red blood cell / hemoglobin count)
- Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract
As for individuals with bowel problems, the following signs and symptoms will require a specialist's evaluation.
- Positive stool occult blood test
- Change in bowel habit
- New onset chronic constipation (which constitutes a change in bowel habit)
- Persistent diarrhea
- Unintentional weight loss
- Rectal bleeding.
The presence of any one of these signs and symptoms, suggest that a serious condition may be present. It includes early cancer, ulcers or infections that can be treated and cured.
Individuals with a problem that is persistent, but do not have these symptoms will benefit from an evaluation as well.