Dr Ng Ying Woo, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at SBCC Women’s Clinic (a member of Healthway Medical Group) was invited to Myanmar as a speaker and live surgery demonstrator for the 3rd International Endoscopic Surgical Society Conference themed Sharing Experience and Bettering Endoscopic Surgery from 7 to 8 October 2017.
He performed live surgery demonstrations at Okalapa Government Hospital during the gynaecological pre-conference educational workshops. He also added that selected cases for live surgeries were often complex as the surgeries required improvisation of surgical techniques to innovatively complete the surgeries successfully.
Dr Ng had the opportunity to share his surgical experiences in the area of hysteroscopic resection with residents and junior consultants in the local hospital. He strongly believes that such specific sharing sessions can further advance knowledge about MIS. The participants of the conference benefitted from this educational session.
Dr Ng ended the conference by sharing about his experience in the arena of single incision laparoscopy surgery, known as the "Scarless Laparoscopy" during the main congress attended by doctors from various surgical disciplines. Dr Ng believes that the scarless surgical approach can help reduce the risk of infection and improve the surgical outcomes of Myanmar.