“GP BULLETIN – A NEWSLETTER FOR GPs BY HEALTHWAY MEDICAL” is a newsletter that provides you a quick snapshot of the keypoints to Healthway Medical’s webinar series that you might have missed or as a refresher for those of you whom have attended! This is the fifth edition of the GP Bulletin – A Newsletter for GPs by Healthway Medical.

Topics covered:

  1. No Motion, No Life – by Dr Gowreeson Thevendran, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon (Island Orthopaedics)
  2. Management of Gastroesophageal and Extra-Esophageal Reflux Disease – by Dr Wang Yu Tien, Consultant Gastroenterologist (Nobel Gastroenterology Centre)

Click the links below to access the newsletters. 

Healthway newsletter: Dr Gowreeson Thevendran  
Healthway newsletter: Dr Wang Yu Tien